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TLDR- I'm giving ClayTrader's IC (inner circle) a 5/10. (10/10 being unparalleled value; 0/10 being complete scam). Here's why: Backstory. I found Clay after  r/Daytrading: Daytrading futures, forex, stocks, etc. 27 Jul 2018 ClayTrader is a day trading education site, founded by a guy named reviews and complaints but this review in particular on Reddit is epic. Learn why the premium trading course for $2497 is too expensive and which alternatives provide a better cost-benefit-ratio in this ClayTrader Review.

Reddit 的幽默不是讲笑话哈哈哈哈哈哈,而是有点古怪的莫名笑点,评论接楼很有意思。 网页版真的做得很简陋,推荐用客户端刷。 官方的 app 就挺好,不过我自己用的是第三方的narwhal(iOS),Snyc for Reddit,Boost(Android)。

国庆期间长沙发生了一件游客落水溺水死亡事故。一位母亲发现儿子失足落入河中,冲入水中奋力相救,结果也被湍急的河水 国庆期间长沙发生了一件游客落水溺水死亡事故。一位母亲发现儿子失足落入河中,冲入水中奋力相救,结果也被湍急的河水 ClayTrader University. Users with a fat wallet can also opt to sign up for ClayTrader University – the site’s most expensive and comprehensive option. For either six monthly payments of $377 or a one-time payment of $1997, members get lifetime access to live chat-rooms and its weekly newsletter. ClayTrader is different from other community-driven stock and trade platforms as it has a more relaxed vibe to it. The site mostly caters to individuals who want to get a steady source of income to break free from the grind, and to those who want extra money on the side. Monday: Coronavirus-Driven Economic Shutdown Extended Until End of May. Economy Likely to See Second Shutdown this Fall. Market Reaction: DOW Closes Up 1.5% Tuesday: Consumer Confidence Falls to Record Lows and Expected to Remain Low for 1-2 Years. GDP Falls by 75%. Market Reaction: DOW Rallies to Add Another 2% Wednesday: Opec Negotiations Fail; Oil Prices Collapse. TLDR- I’m giving ClayTrader’s IC (inner circle) a 5/10. (10/10 being unparalleled value; 0/10 being complete scam) Here’s why: Backstory. I found Clay after seeking out a video about a particular stock I was interested in. He had a technical analysis video on it and I really like his straightforward explanations and calm attitude.


r/Daytrading: Daytrading futures, forex, stocks, etc. 27 Jul 2018 ClayTrader is a day trading education site, founded by a guy named reviews and complaints but this review in particular on Reddit is epic.


作者ID:Still in the simulation. 来源:Reddit. 汉化:MsSheep. 每周日更新,每周仅更一页。(作者原话是标准太平洋时间每周六上午,太平洋时间等于北京时间减去十六小时) Live Day Trading: Making $1,400 Online in 5 Minutes While these day trading set-ups and opportunities are not available every single day, when they are you need to be ready with your strategy in

Reddit并不强制用真实信息来注册账号,因此最好不要用自己的真实信息。Reddit用户之间可以随时查看到彼此的文章和评论,自由交流,这是Reddit的最大好处。 注册Reddit账号. 有些人可能不想注册账号,这也没关系。 但如果你想好好利用Reddit,注册一个账号很有

ClayTrader is different from other community-driven stock and trade platforms as it has a more relaxed vibe to it. The site mostly caters to individuals who want to get a steady source of income to break free from the grind, and to those who want extra money on the side. Monday: Coronavirus-Driven Economic Shutdown Extended Until End of May. Economy Likely to See Second Shutdown this Fall. Market Reaction: DOW Closes Up 1.5% Tuesday: Consumer Confidence Falls to Record Lows and Expected to Remain Low for 1-2 Years. GDP Falls by 75%. Market Reaction: DOW Rallies to Add Another 2% Wednesday: Opec Negotiations Fail; Oil Prices Collapse. TLDR- I’m giving ClayTrader’s IC (inner circle) a 5/10. (10/10 being unparalleled value; 0/10 being complete scam) Here’s why: Backstory. I found Clay after seeking out a video about a particular stock I was interested in. He had a technical analysis video on it and I really like his straightforward explanations and calm attitude. ClayTrader is a day trader who sells educational courses on technical analysis, level 2, options, forex, and other trading topics. ClayTrader markets himself as a normal guy that doesn’t drive a Ferrari or live in a mansion. Summary. Tantalizingly close to being a recommended trading service based upon the honesty of the moderator. However, he refuses to disclose whether he even trades, whether he has an active trading account, what degree of success he trades, or whether he is using a simulated trading account, or an actual live account. 9 条评论. 分享. . 78 个回答. 默认排序. 知乎用户. 128 人 赞同了该回答. 说句实在话美国贴吧Reddit对于此事的反应都比这正常的多: Reddit是个社交新闻站点,口号:提前于新闻发声,来自互联网的声音。其拥有者是Condé Nast Digital公司(Advance Magazine Publishers Inc的子公司)。用户(也叫redditors)能够浏览并且可以提交因特网上内容的链接或发布自己的原创或有关用户提交文本的帖子。其他的用户可对发布的链接进行高分或低分的