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PHP Unicode JSON

HomeSteagall85724PHP Unicode JSON

I have a JSON string that I read in from an API call and it contains Unicode characters - \u00c2\u00a3 for example is the £ symbol. I'd like to use PHP to convert these into either £ or £. I'm looking into the problem and found the following code (using my pound symbol to test) but it didn't seem to work: JSON_PRETTY_PRINT, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES, and JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE options were added. 5.3.3: JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK options was added. 5.3.0: A note of caution: If you are wondering why json_encode() encodes your PHP array as a JSON object instead of a JSON array, you might want to double check your array keys because json_encode() assumes PHP 7.1: Added JSON_UNESCAPED_LINE_TERMINATORS option PHP 5.6: Added JSON_PRESERVE_ZERO_FRACTION option PHP 5.5: Added depth parameter PHP 5.5: Added JSON_PARTIAL_OUTPUT_ON_ERROR option PHP 5.5: Changed return value on failure from null to FALSE PHP 5.4: Added JSON_PRETTY_PRINT, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES, and JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE options PHP 5.3 Returns the value encoded in json in appropriate PHP type. Values true, false and null are returned as TRUE, FALSE and NULL respectively. NULL is returned if the json cannot be decoded or if the encoded data is deeper than the recursion limit. I realize this question is asking about how to encode an associative array to a pretty-formatted JSON string, so this doesn't directly answer the question, but if you have a string that is already in JSON format, you can make it pretty simply by decoding and re-encoding it (requires PHP >= 5.4): PHP is a server side programming language, and can be used to access a database. On the client, make a JSON object that describes the numbers of rows you want to return.

Without this flag, json_encode converts any non-ASCII character found into unicode escape sequences. For instance, the string ‘Música’ would be written as “Mu00fasica”. Although this is a valid unicode text (and can be read back by json_decode into a PHP variable), it is not well suited to be read by a person.

Convert PHP array to json Everyday use of JSON is to read data from a web server and display the data on a web page. When exchanging data between the browser and a server, data can only be in the form of text. $ paramsString = json_encode ($ input, JSON_UNESCAPED_UNICODE | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES); // And that will encode arrays with unicode characters more compatible with JavaScript. // (e.g. it will produce the same sha1 if you phpjs.utf8_encode paramString in JavaScript ) // On PHP 5.3 and lower, you may want to try Without this flag, json_encode converts any non-ASCII character found into unicode escape sequences. For instance, the string ‘Música’ would be written as “Mu00fasica”. Although this is a valid unicode text (and can be read back by json_decode into a PHP variable), it is not well suited to be read by a person. PHP | json_encode() Function The json_encode() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to convert PHP array or object into JSON representation. Syntax : Encoding JSON in PHP. Some years ago, JSON support was provided through the json pecl extension. Since PHP 5.2, it is included in the core directly, so if you use a recent PHP version you should have no trouble using it. Note: If you run an older version of PHP than 5.3, I recommend you to upgrade anyway.

The JSON & UNICODE Web Services are a programmatic access to Eurostat data, with the possibility to download a subset of a given dataset. This operation 

For collations of Unicode character sets, LOWER() and UPPER() work according to the Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) version in the collation name, if there  javabin. BinaryResponseWriter. json. JSONResponseWriter. php ASCII output (with unicode escapes) is used for less error-prone interoperability. newlines 

I have a JSON string that I read in from an API call and it contains Unicode characters - \u00c2\u00a3 for example is the £ symbol. I'd like to use PHP to convert these into either £ or £. I'm looking into the problem and found the following code (using my pound symbol to test) but it didn't seem to work:

26 Feb 2020 'utf16le', 2 or 4 bytes, little-endian encoded Unicode characters, surrogate pairs of the Buffer instance, which is identical to the output for JSON Arrays. Composer - PHP Package Manager · PHPUnit - PHP Testing · Laravel  How to send a Unicode SMS with the Nexmo SMS API. NET; PHP; Python; Ruby curl -X "POST" "" \ -d "from=$ NEXMO_BRAND_NAME" \ -d "to=$TO_NUMBER" \ -d "text=こんにちは世界" \ -d " type=unicode"  Click browse for an excel file and convert its data to Json. Browse; Convert; Beautify json; Editor Options; Download; Clear. JSON allows encoding Unicode strings with only ASCII escape sequences, however those escapes will be hard to read when viewed in a text editor. The author  that JSON is a strict subset of JavaScript, his specification actually allows valid JSON documents that are not valid JavaScript; JSON allows the Unicode line  Use bulk JSON interface for sending different messages to multiple recipients in bulk. This option is perfect for mail-merging text. Access sample codes in PHP, 

I have a JSON string that I read in from an API call and it contains Unicode characters - \u00c2\u00a3 for example is the £ symbol. I'd like to use PHP to convert these into either £ or £. I'm looking into the problem and found the following code (using my pound symbol to test) but it didn't seem to work:

PHP | json_encode() Function The json_encode() function is an inbuilt function in PHP which is used to convert PHP array or object into JSON representation. Syntax : Encoding JSON in PHP. Some years ago, JSON support was provided through the json pecl extension. Since PHP 5.2, it is included in the core directly, so if you use a recent PHP version you should have no trouble using it. Note: If you run an older version of PHP than 5.3, I recommend you to upgrade anyway. This function converts the string data from the ISO-8859-1 encoding to UTF-8.. Note: . Many web pages marked as using the ISO-8859-1 character encoding actually use the similar Windows-1252 encoding, and web browsers will interpret ISO-8859-1 web pages as Windows-1252.Windows-1252 features additional printable characters, such as the Euro sign (€) and curly quotes (“ ”), instead of 呵呵, 当然, json在5.4还加入了: json_bigint_as_string, json_pretty_print, json_unescaped_slashes等选项, 如果有兴趣, 大家可以参看: json_encode 不过, 还是要提醒下: PHP 5.4还处于开发阶段, 在最终release之前, 任何新特性都可能被调整或者更改. Judging from everything you've said, it seems like the original Odómetro string you're dealing with is encoded with ISO 8859-1, not UTF-8.